Gary Semics

Replied on Elbow struggles

Apr 10 at 08:53 AM

Hearing from riders like you keeps me motivated! If you have any more questions or news let me know. 


Mar 28 at 10:36 AM

These methods have helped so many of my riders gain confidence, especially in Rhythm Jumps. 

Commented on Elbow struggles

Mar 25 at 01:28 PM

Hi JW, 

Thanks for asking. It all begins with your hands. If your hands are positioned correctly your arms and shoulders will follow. When you’re practicing stay aware of your hands instead of your elbows. If you do this enough it will reprogram the old default. Keep me posted with your progress! 

Mar 14 at 09:48 AM


Good to hear that Sam. As you had explained in your first message. When you were doing big jumps in a taller gear, at low RPMs, your body positions were most likely too far back. Of course, this would cause you to jump with the front high. I'm glad you were able to find the problem and fix it with the videos that I suggested.

The most important part of a jump is the initiation of going into the air. When that critical part is executed correctly it's easy to find your center of balance in the air. This is when you can relax and breath deeply. 

Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with. 



Feb 27 at 10:30 AM


Feb 27 at 10:27 AM


Feb 26 at 03:46 PM

Ask questions about riding techniques and/or videos. 

Feb 26 at 03:34 PM

Hi Sam, thanks for your questions. These jumping skills are specifically covered in the following videos…

Volume 3 -  Videos 6 and 7. 

The Vet vid #2. 

Another vid that may help is The 4 Most Common Jumping Mistakes. 

Let me know how these work and if I can do anything else for you. 

Thanks for being a valued subscriber,



Jan 18 at 08:39 AM

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